Detoxifying the body and cleansing the colon are essential in healing the digestive track. It is also a major part of restoring good liver function. Typically, a 30 day general cleanse should be adequate to cleanse the skin, colon, lungs, kidneys, blood, lymphatic system and liver.

Before one can begin many supportive therapies such as saunas, steam baths or colon hydrotherapy, you must first begin a general cleansing program. Generally, after the first week or two of your general cleansing program you may begin to do exercise or deep breathing that can be used to in helping to cleanse and detoxify the body. These therapies are essential in helping with the elimination of toxins. But more importantly, they help adapt the body to change. This is the direct road to digestive health.

It is important to note that it is quite common to feel worse before you feel better as the toxins are removed from your body. You will eventually have better health and more energy, but don't be surprised if you are tired to start with. This is often attributed to cleansers that help kill microorganisms. As these organisms die they release more toxins into the system. If the toxins are released faster than the body can pass them. Then you may experience symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, cramps, dehydration loss of appetite, fatigue or flu-like symptoms.

In order to reduce the chance of experiencing these symptoms, one must plan accordingly. It is suggested to start your cleansing formula on a small dose, and gradually increase it during a 30-day period, be sure to include supplements that support your liver. It is also important to start hydrotherapy sessions and drink more water than normal. If you are particularly sensitive it may be a good idea to take a fiber supplement and whatever you do and do not take any drugs. If you do experience these symptoms don't be alarmed, they will typically pass within seven days.

If you do not have access to a sauna you may be able to perform this vital function at home. The typical remedy for a home sauna is to fill a tub with hot filtered water. Be sure, the water is as hot as you can stand it and mix in a quarter cup of Epson salt. You can also add ginger root. Boil the Ginger in water and then pour the water into the tub. Be sure to remove the ginger root before you do.

Colin hydrotherapy is another therapeutic application where water is flushed into the colon. This will help with the elimination process. The most familiar form of colon hydrotherapy is the enema. There are many benefits to this therapeutic procedure, including but not limited to, improve muscle tone, more vibrant skin, clear eyes, and reduced toxic waste of absorption.

It is well known that exercise is a very important part of building an overall strong body. However it is also important in building a strong immune system and ensuring an effective regimen for the detoxification process. When exercising, it is important to breathe deeply as breathing deeply helps eliminate poisons from the cells and also enhances the lymphatic system, which is essential in immune system health.

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